Kamis, 15 November 2012

New Letter, New Spirit, and Improve enthusiasm

"I can do more, I can do better, and I have to fight harder 
to give the best for them (My Self, Family, and Indonesiaaaaaa)"

Trusly, i write this blog inspiring by Muhammad Assad, The author of Notes from Qatar, Notes From Qatar 2, and Sedekah Super Stories.

Nevertheless, this is not my first blog. But i say this is my proffesional blog. May be a few of my post on another blog will be here. Because I think that the best words that i can share with u. 
Lets sharing about possitive think and doing the best for our self firstly.

This is my picture with Bang Assad Book. Hehe... 
I wish this blog could be a book like him

by saying Bismillaaahirrohmanirrohim.
I believe, my lord _ALLAH SWT_
Will give me the best thing by the best way

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